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Sponsorship Options

Benefits Core
Below $5,000
$5,001 - $10,000
$10,001 - $20,000
$20,001 - $35,000
Above $35,000
Waived conference registration fees 0 1 2 3 4
Recognition of donor level
Company name and logo displayed on PandengueNet 2025 website
Company logo displayed linked to company website
Company profile displayed on PanDengueNet 2025 website**
Company name and logo on PanDengueNet 2025 abstract book
Advertisement in abstract book Half page Full page
Company name and logo on PanDengueNet 2025 final program
Advertisement in final program Half page Full page
Company distribution materials (provided by the sponsor) in the registration bags
Exhibition Booth* Standard space Premium space
Right to use the PandengueNet 2025 logo

*Measurements TBD
**Replace by link to institutional about us webpages